It's grey out, and damp, that damp that tells the trees it's time to slowly retreat into dormancy. I'm worn out from field season, which is why my posts have been sporadic at best. My apologies. I even missed your Friday Fun Fact last week, sigh. I have trouble facing myself...
Long awaited vacation begins this week and I hold out hope of achieving some level of refreshment, drinking the wind and watching the bobbing motion of shorebirds on a barrier island. It is many moons overdue (and I laughed at I actually typed many moons in a sentence).
Drink deep that fall air, wanderers. Watch the wildlife around you prepare for the hard times ahead, when food and water can be scare and survival questionable. Just this morning, I sighted a plump groundhog digging for snacks on a highway median and I hoped that he would keep to the median and not the blacktop! More often now, I hear the sad song of the Canada geese as they salute my roof with southbound wingtips. I always wished I could fly along with them, just to know what it was like to follow the compass needle within to the safety of winter food and habitat.
7 hours ago
It's a great time of year. Did you see the post by SuperSizeMyCob about forecasting weather via critters? Maybe you can tell us more about those Wooly Worms. Any science behind their bands and upcoming winter? Of course...after your wonderful island vacation. Enjoy.
I love the Fall. It is my favorite time of the year. Have a good break.
I hadn't seen that post, Equine -- but we have been watching our woolly worms too. Lifeshighway pointed out an all black one on our ride the other day. I say it means "nuclear winter approacheth." Start stockpiling those blankets! I don't know if there is any science behind the 'pillars...I will have to look into that!
I guess I'll just have to suffer through springtime in New Zealand while everyone back in the States is loving autumn. But anything's better than ice and snow! I'm back to the land of the living and I'm off to hug a tree.
Woohoo, Clair! Welcome back to green!