7 hours ago
Wander over here and click the purple button. This site has been verified by Snopes.com and others. Ad revenue generated by your visits and clicks does actually go to provide food for hungry rescue animals. It doesn't take any effort on your part, it's free (so NO excuses!), and you can do it multiple times a day if you are so inclined. I have it bookmarked and try to visit at least once a day. Take a second and make a difference for a deserted pet today.
They also have a store with lots of neat stuff bearing the pawprint logo, I am sorely tempted by the cute purple vests calling my name -- "buy me, buy me, you will be helping an animal...." *resisting evil tempting merchandise voices...*
Ok, ok, dogs and cats aren't wildlife but ALL animals deserve compassion and care! (well, except for maybe fire ants, I just can't bring myself to swell over with love for those particular beasties...)
I have been wandering over here for the last few days and clicking on the rescue site. OK, you forced me to make a difference. I am looking forward to being amazed and unfortunately dismayed. Rev your engines.